Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ketchup packets are a form of currency in China

They trade at 8 packets: 1 yuan. If the Cultural Revolution goes down again, or the market crashes people are going to start using McDonalds ketchup packets as legal tender. How else to explain why McDonald's can't give me more than 1 packet when I order a meal.

I'm sorry for liking ketchup, in the states you can have as much as you want, why is McDonald's hoarding all the ketchup. I always ask for more and they reluctantly give me a second packet, to which I again ask for more, and the cashier will look around to see if her boss is around before slipping me a third packet. The worried look on her face, makes me not want to test my luck.

It's ketchup! I'm not asking for a free sandwich. I realize that liquids cost more to ship over to China, but I would doubt the ketchup is even made somewhere else and is shipped in. It's not like China doesn't have tomatoes. (At least Burger King, uses Heinz)

Give me some ketchup. Make up the difference somewhere else, like on the Chinese who eat there a lot more often and don't want any, or the Belgium who like their fries with mayonnaise.

It is not like I'm asking for something absurd like free refills.

1 comment:

mzp108 said...

They did that in Australia too!!! It was sooo frustrating all I wanted was some Heinz!!!