Thursday, August 21, 2008

What is the protocol for asking someone if they are a neo-nazi

My last roommate was a 20 year old french girl. When she first arrived in the apartment, my itunes displayed that I could look at her music. I am always interested in hearing new bands and music and so I clicked on the link to see and hear what was in her music library. I found lots of bands I didn't recognize and some that I did but they were all heavy metal, and I wasn't too interested, then I came across a name I did...Adolf HItler.

She had seven speeches on her computer by Adolf Hitler. I wanted to ask her what they were there for, but there really is just no good way to ask somebody “Hey I was wondering if you hate the Jews because you have a bunch of Adolf Hitler speeches on your computer.”
My other roommate at the time had a german boyfriend and I didn't even know how to approach him about it. “Hey could you translate these speeches by Hitler, so I can see what they are talking about to determine whether I should be amciable with my new roommate who may or may not hate my people.”

I ended up not bringing it up, and it never became an issue. Maybe she hated jews and just didn't know I was jewish. I actually ended up having a better relationship with her than any of the other 3 roommates I've had here.

Another french guy just moved in, though I have yet to check his itunes. Hopefully his biggest vice is that he likes to smoke cigarettes.

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