Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Since it is China's coming out party...

does that mean the Shanghainese men are going to come out of the closet.

I don’t want to imply that they are gay, but metrosexual doesn’t seem to cover them.
Obviously my feelings have a little to do with how they dress, they are very fashion conscious, and seem to prefer wearing pink and purple and some perm their hair more than the the girls do. It also does nothing for their masculinity that there is no distinct size or shape difference between men and women in China. I know girls that would love to be able to fit into the clothes that the Shanghainese men wear. I think the last time my waste was their size, I was in 4th grade. I don't throw around the adjective "lithe" to often, but it seems to describe them well.

Shanghainese men, more than any other men in China don't seem to follow the societal roles I've always associated with men. I can see why a Shanghainese man would be a catch if I was a chinese woman though. They do all the cooking and cleaning in the house, and even though they work and are likely the breadwinner in the family, instead of choosing how to spend their money, they give their earnings to their wife to be given an allowance.

Though what puts them over the edge is the touching. Granted America is very homophobic place. and I came from there to China where the men walk down the streets with their arms around each other. It is refreshing to see people that have no concerns about the way they interact with their friends being "gay". But I draw the limit awhile before the " inner thigh massage" that some of the boys give each other here.

It is a bit strange. Maybe it's a massage culture, but it is an aspect of shanghainese, or chinese, culture that I can do without. I don't need a guy in the bathroom of clubs giving me a back massage while I'm at the urinal.

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