Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic Preview

Toughest Ticket

NBA Groupies- Maybe someone on the US team would fly a girl to another NBA city for a night, but even without the visa issues, they aren't flying them to China. Lebronious and Co. are here for business and even if they do mix in a little pleasure it is going to be with the local talent.

Runner-up US Basketball, Popular Chinese events. Probably one of the bigger stories before journalist arrived and saw the pollution. The Chinese gov't didn't want empty seats for any of the games, so they horded tickets to ensure they would go to Chinese people who would be around to watch. Athletes were even having trouble getting the complimentary 2 tickets for their events, meaning that the average tourist is going to have a tough time getting into the big events.

Most Pressure

Liu Xiang- It has to be. He is the face of the Olympics and with good measure. He is handsome and excellent at a sport the whole world, not just the Chinese, watch. However being on every ad means the Chinese expect him to not only win the gold medal, but set a new world record. Anything less would be a failure.
the only problems (according to shenellyville) are he hasn't raced in a long time, is prone to false starts, and while he was the best in 2004 there is a Cuban that now holds the world record.
I think the expectations are a bit high, but I hope he wins. just so he can enjoy the perks that come with beating the pressure in his own country. I'm also afraid they might kill him if he doesn't (that was sarcasm, China)

runner-up Michael Phelps, until he loses a race.

Least Pressure

China- Yes preparing for the Olympics is stressful but they knew it was going to be. It would be a lot more so, if other Countries, or the IOC, actually forced them to meet the goals they outlined in their bid for the games about pollution, human rights, etc.

Runner-Up India

It is amazing that two countries with so many people can have such divergent ideas about the importance of succeeding in sports and the Olympics. 17 medals all-time. Is India just happy if they finish a race?

Biggest Story

The Pollution

At least until the actual games start the pollution, or "fog" as Chinese officials are calling it, are dominating the headlines. It is bad, It is not as bad as it was a month ago, but it is bad, and when people leave China after the Olympics it will return to the way it has been. The factories will reopen, cars will be back on the street, construction will resume. This is a country going through their Industrial revolution on a scale the world has never seen. The bad air quality is a trade-off to reach modernity and more money. It is not like the Chinese care about what is going in their lungs, they suck down cigarettes day and night. It is not a developed country, and so when journalist accustomed to blue skies come to Beijing it is one of the first things they notice. Americas skies were not clean when we were building skyscrapers left and right.

What amazes me is that a country that worries so much about losing face and has complete control over their peoples' actions that they would allow it to become the issue that it has. The measures that they took to curb pollution have been working, but they were only enacted 3 weeks ago. They could and should have been put in place a year to six months ago.

The "fog" will make Beijing look bad. Television will not be able to get good looking Goodyear blimp type shots of the stadiums, but when the games start the press will start following the action and unless the pollution affects the events no one will talk about it except to say that the skies are grey. But the athletes should not be apologizing for wearing masks, the Olympic Committee should have done a better job of taking care of the problem.

Runner-up every Olympics some athlete comes out of nowhere to become a national hero, most likely it will be someone no one has mentioned in any Olympic previews. and it is what makes the Olympics great.

Best Competition

US vs China
For selfish and nationalistic reasons I want the US to win the most medals, but they are going to get a serious run from the Chinese. The host country always gets a bump in the medals they win, plus their is a clear home field advantage (the Chinese are accustomed to the "fog" ), and the are almost guaranteed to win certain events like badminton and ping pong. where as a lot of western countries could steal medals away from the US in their better events. It kind of reminds me of the 2004 election where the US would play the role of the democratic party and some country like Russia would be the green party and steal some votes (medals) away, but it wouldn't affect the republicans (china) ability to get their normal amount. But are the Chinese only interested in gold medals or total medal count? Will they include hong kong and taiwan's medals to bump up their own medal count?

I've always felt that America needs a competitor, we thrive on competition and I'm glad that China has stepped up to replace the USSR at least in sports. So I think we will take them. We are going to get like a 100 medals from swimming alone, with those new bathing suits.


US women's gymnastics vs China (you know those 14 year old Chinese girls who are magically now 16 are going to be sick)
Tyson Gay vs. the Jamaicans (fastest man alive, really just a competition to see who gets to use it as a pick-up line)


There is going to be way too much of it, and the information will be to widespread to hold any surprises. At least I will get to watch it live instead of having to wait 12 hours on a tape delay. I'm finally on the right end of this time difference normally I'm getting up at 6 in the morning to watch the final four or Superbowl.

Though I wonder if there is some sort of protest, western TV networks will show it, I know China won't.

I'm actually most worried that China will cut out of some event I want to see like the 100 meter dash to show a replay of some Chinese victory in synchronized diving. but if it is anything like the propagandized coverage of the earthquake, the Olympics will be on every station 24 hours a day, it's going to be the only news in town.

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