Monday, July 28, 2008


Concerning the Shanghai World Expo, 

Maybe I'm old school, but I want to go back to a time when World Expo's didn't need mascots, when people decided to go to World Expo's because of the exhibits and architecture. When people would go to ride a ferris wheel for the first time. Or view the eiffel tower.  If you want to get kids to go, start calling it a fair again. 

But who needs a mascot, especially one that doesn't even remind me of World expos, but toothpaste commercials and dentist appointments.

As for the Olympics, 

its one of the greatest sporting events ever, if you can't get excited about nations competing against one another, you probably aren't going to tune in because of five mascots.*

As for the Steelers,

 I hope the bizarro Village Person Steely McBeem that they called a mascot last year never rears it ugly head again. Perhaps the Steelers needed to create something horrific to balance out the universe because the 75th anniversary unis were awesome. But there is no need for the Lers to have a mascot...or cheerleaders. 

*If you are going to have them you might as well make money off them. You can't just buy one of the mascots as a stuffed animal or gift, you have to get all five, or else chinese girlfriends  throw a tantrum about not loving them enough (so I've heard). 

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