Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Yesterday was Mid-Autumn festival, the chinese harvest holiday, and an excuse to give out terrible desserts called moon cakes. Apparently you are supposed to buy moon cakes for your relatives and friends, though I was told by people that have to do these things, that you don't neccesarily see them on the day off, so you can give them moon cakes that have been gifted to you, cause why would you ever want to eat something that tastes so terrible.
It got me thinking, the big holiday gifts here are all things that can be re-gifted money,mooncakes, or fruit which require no thought into who you are giving it to (unless the person is allergic to fruit). I like to thing in America people put a little bit of effort into buying gifts for the big holidays, something that they think the recipient would like, or would have some meaning to them. It doesn't mean they will be right, and more than likely the gift will be returned, but at least the effort is there. (or they cop out and give them money or a gift certificate, so maybe we aren't all that different)

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