Sunday, February 8, 2009

It is time to go

With A-rod the newest headline name attached to the steroid era, baseball has official lost its footing in the annals of history. If Ken Griffey Jr. turns out to be one of the other 103 names on the formally confidential list, baseball might start fighting with hockey over meaninglessness. Pretty soon the Hall is going to add a section for steroids and all of the numbers that got put up during those years, like its the end of a league of their own.

I don't think Griffey was juicing, his numbers were dropping when others were going up and he was injured all the time (for drugs that are supposed to be producing bigger numbers and faster recovery times it seems unlikely he was)

But for all the big names that have been forever tarnished, the one that seems to stay out of the fray is the commisioner Bud Selig.

Maybe it is time for him to resign, and with his departure cut ties with the steroid era. It would even allow him to get high and mighty and suggest that the new commish, reset the records back to Hank Aaron and Maris. He could even do it himself, or asterisks out seasons or even records.

While some view him as one of the greatest commisioners in baseball, it is more a result of the increased revenue he has brought to the game, and the owners. But lost in the shuffle of expansion, wildcard rounds, revenue sharing, Is the fact that his whole tenure has come during the steriods era.

He may not have ushered it in, but he didn't stop it, and the culture that he promoted led us where we are today.

He has been acting commisioner since 1992, and officially since 1998. In 2008 he extended his contract to 2012, at which point he says he will retire.

So if those names do include more "hall of famers", maybe the media will start to point there fingers not only at the players but the people in charge of baseball that allowed it to go on.

If not the steroids era will end in 2012, when he retires.

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