Thursday, October 30, 2008

Random Thoughts

How many people does it take to parrallel park a car in China. I usually see atleast two people at a time directing the driver when to back up, etc. Today I saw 4 people doing it.

You could really be anything for Halloween here. Anything can be made here for enough money, but doing any costume with a suit would be a piece of cake. Dumb and Dumber tuxedoes would almost be too easy, but then who really wants a fitted orange tuxedo.

Just playing a scenerio out. The Chinese want to get to the moon. I would bet that they will be able to do it, assuming they do. When they plant the Chinese flag on the face of the moon, does that mean the US needs to go back up and take it off. How else to protect the property rights that people like Tom Cruise have bought?
Do we just let them take it, like in exchange for clearing us out of our debt, they can have half of the moon, Is this what leads us into the next war?

Another scenrio, Bill Cowher is coming back to Football, someone is going to pay him a lot of money to return. Although the rumors with Daniel Snyder and the Redskins who most likely have the deepest pockets have been squashed, that doesn’t mean they can’t start up again, Even some one like the Cowboys might be interesting to Cowher because they have the money and a good quarterback because Cowher apparently doesn’t want to walk into a rebuilding situation.
But What about the Cleveland Browns, who are going to get rid of Romeo Crennel, they have the players, just a terrible coach, and it seems that in Brady Quinn they might have a QB. (He was the reason ND was good, and not Charlie Weiss’s coaching, even if it doesn't translate on the pro level) and Cowher is a former Clevand player. I’d like to say I can never imagine Cowher after his years with the Steelers taking the job of their most historic rival and playing them 2 times a year. But money might talk a lot more than relations.

Was Puffy being serious when he makes idle threats and then cackles after them in "What's Beef", it is not exactly intimidating. Holding Vanilla ICe upside down off the balcony of a penthouse until he hands over the rights to his song is.
Speaking of Rappers from the 90's confusing me, Big Pun might have out done Puffy. What 300 pound Latino thug says "Loser" like a schoolgirl, as he does between verses in "It's So Hard" an otherwise good song.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

They might have to carry JoePA off the field, and it still might not be enough

I’m happy for Penn State. I don’t consider myself a Penn State fan. I like to have some allegiance to Michigan for some six degrees of Kevin Bacon connection that my sister, mother, cousin went there and I once saw a game there and like most Big Ten schools , under Lloyd Carr they subscribed to a philosophy that works well in Steelers football, Run the ball and play great D.
Besides the Family connection, these things manifest themselves at Penn State as well. I’ve even been to a few games there, my favorite instance being Homecoming 2000 when I got to see my camp counselor cry when Penn State lost a perfect season to a terrible Minnesota team. That weekend I also experienced for the first time, on my way to the Bob Dylan-Phil Lesh and Friends show, why Santonio Holmes keeps marijuana in his car. Plus the school is in Pennsylvania (that’s where I’m from!), though I already had a rooting interest in Pitt over Penn State.
But with both of those teams out, and Penn State playing the way they are, I would much rather them play in the Championship game (with in state players) than see Texas or Alabama. I might even get my wish, and then the feel good story of the season would play itself out, with JoePA getting a chance to ride off into retirement as his players carry him off the field after winning the National Championship.
I just don’t see it happening…I mean the National Title could surely come to Happy Valley, but I just don’t see JoePa stepping away that easily, (no pun intended). He still wants to coach. It is a matter of semantics to discuss how much “coaching” he does anymore, and a dicey situation to try to ouster out a living legend especially after a national title, but I can’t see him just giving up control of the one thing he has known for decades.
Maybe the title will be enough validation and he will want to walk away on top. But I think he is sticking around because more than a national title he wants the All-Time wins record. If Bobby Bowden (his closest competition) would step down, I think you would see Paterno do likewise, but he doesn’t want to leave the game with the chance that his greatest legacy would be overtaken in his lifetime.

Penn State could be in for a Brett Favre Summer


I’m not really in a position to talk about the game, I didn’t see it and was more than a little confused reading that James Harrison was playing long snapper for the Steelers, until I read a little bit more about the game. As I read about Roethlisberger’s 4 INT, a touchdown being taken away for holding, and a defense that had a goal line stand but was on the field too long because of a dismal 3rd down success rate. I started to think that maybe the loss wasn’t attributed to that play alone.

In his thoughts after the game, Don Banks of said he doesn’t see the Steelers playing into January because they are missing some indescribable thing. Perhaps what Don Banks isn’t seeing is that the Steelers have been one of the best teams in the league with pro-bowlers missing significant time on both sides of the ball (Casey Hampton, Willie Parker) to say nothing of all the other injuries the Steelers have been plugging in players for. But by watching the game I might realize how he could, at this juncture in the season, come to his opinion.

The Pittsburgh media has been quick to blame Santonio Holmes for his share in the loss. He definitely was missed in the passing game, even with Nate Washington remembering he is in a contract year and forgetting to drop the ball. A touchdown loss to the promoted “best team in the league” isn’t something to beat yourself up about missing two of your biggest threats on offense. However if we lose the next couple games suddenly we are right back in the pack.

It feels a lot of the concern is that the National media advertised this game as a preview of the Super Bowl. Suddenly it was a must win game because it would tell the country that the Steelers were the best team in the league. In reality the game was one of the least important ones on the schedule and even though now they will make a big deal about the Steelers inability to beat the NFC east all this week. The Redskins game is equally unimportant. They are not in our division. Beating the Colts and the Chargers could be the difference between being a 2 seed or fighting for a wild card spot with a team we could have knocked out of the playoff race. Beating the Redskins gives us another win.

The Giants game and the Redskins game are glorified barometer games, and what it told the league is that the Steelers are a quality team that still needs to sure up a few things. Opinion of the Steelers didn’t slip too much after the game, with many in the national media still believing it could be the Super Bowl match-up.
I’m not saying I didn’t want to win the Giants games or next week, but I would much rather be coming into form later in the year than being considered the best when it doesn’t matter and there are still 9 weeks for anything to happen.
The Steelers have a lot of things that they can do better, but they have time to get those things fixed. Even though we lost, they have to feel good that the Defense has yet to play a bad game, (one sure way to get to championships) and the Offense should be much better when healthy and fully stocked.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shanghai's multiple choice question

Why does the sky look like this?
a) fog
b) pollution
c) something far worse
d) all of the above

Pimps of Thieves On the Run

The Pimps of Thieves album continues to be delayed as fans wonder whether they will see the Album first promised to them in 2002.
Principal Robert McMurray was in charge of Taylor Allderdice High School where Pimps of Thieves first showed so much musical promise, as well as acumen for self promotion, as their tags littered the school and its desks, was increasingly supportive of their efforts.
“ I tried to foster a learning environment that was conducive to the arts, we were willing to overlook replacing a desk here or there because we had students being creative, coming to classes, finding a way to improve their lives,”
But after 6 years and as release dates come and go, or possibly a sign he has thrown his lot in with another Allderdice alum Wiz Khalifa, he concedes “it does feel a bit like vandalism now.”
2002 was also the last year Pimps of Thieves was shown to be performing together though the members of the band are quick to point out there is no ill will between them, and it is merely the result of making paper stacks which has forced them into different regions of the United States.

“ The second song we ever wrote was making fun of a kid who is now our international manager, how is that ill-will?” counters frontman D Green. “Sure work has moved us around the country, but we’ve always been a lot of moveable pieces around the backbone of myself and the Drums, Mail-man. People understand that, they are fine with it. The biggest in house problem we ever had was to let go of Tony Touch after the first record, which was a little awkward at the time because his mom was our only groupie. But things have changed, he’ll be back on the album in someway. Isn’t that looking out for your friends? “

The use of rhetorical questions can’t stop the casual fan from asking when is the CD going to come out already.

Message boards and fan sites are littered with requests for the non-existent album, though most of them are in Turkish, as their foreign fans, excited by the Bush-hating anthem “the establishment” , are looking with anticipation to the day they can run home from the store and struggle to take of the plastic and stickers of the brand new cd, now content to just download the new tracks.

The reasoning for the delays are as numerous as they are eclectic.

Some message boards suggest that a friendly rivalry has developed between Dr. Dre and Pimps of Thieves over who can delay their album longer while still keeping up fan interest.

Pimps of Thieves ardent support of the Pirates have led some fans to believe the delays are the result of a failed marketing strategy to release the album when Pittsburgh is on an emotional high, after the pirates have a .500 season.

While other fan sites have intimated that they are having the same issues as Kanye West is following up his latest album, mainly finding a way to fit his ego on anything less than a double CD.

“It’s not a question of material, or a lack thereof, we have everything ready to go, but with the economy the way it is…”

Comments like these, as well as more recent jabs at the Government, and the possibility of a McCain-Palin my ass ticket, have fueled the most popular theory that Pimps of Thieves are waiting until after the election to release the CD so they can add a contemporary take on the state of American politics.

Whatever the reasons, Pimps of Thieves fans just hope they won’t have to speculate much longer.

Monday, October 6, 2008

加油 钢人 加油

Sunday Night football is my new favorite thing because I get to watch the Lers in China live. and I couldn't have been happier. A depleted Lers squad showed me something going into the bye week for some much needed rest. We might quietly be a formidable team if we can ever get healthy, to get the kind of production we got from 4th string running backs and back-up line men has me feeling pretty good.
The O looked strong in the first half and the D looked great throughout though seemed to tire in the second when we couldn't move the ball at all and they had to stay on the field but they were legitamately a bullshit interference call in the endzone and an interception return away from holding jacksonville to 7-10 points.

Game Balls have to go to the chinese announcers for calling Big Ben, 大Ben (da, big in chinese if you didn't figure it out yet) the entire game and not giving in to Bill Simmons pleas to shorten it or say Ben Rothlisberger, (I can't figure out what he wants). Though the game ball gets taken right back because they chose to refer to melwelde moore by his last name instead of transliterating his first, which would have been a lot more fun to hear as he ate up the jacksonville D.

大Ben gets one too. I still can't believe how strong and how accurate that pass was when he was being drapped by a Jaguar on the final drive.Though I actually have come to expect it. Might be the only quarterback in the league that can make that play. Can the comparisons to Carson Palmer end now?

Got to give them to the D-Line, playing with only 4 players, I thought we weren't supposed to have any depth, Hoke and Kirshkie were all over the place, they were disrupting everything. when was the last time the jags didn't run all over us? Probably the last time we won.

Finally one goes to Nate Washington, you caught a pass!!!!!!!!!!!! more than one actually!!!!!!!!!! I don't even think you dropped one making it hard for me to make you my least favorite plater on the team. and then you restored the natural order of things by taking a taunting penalty because one of their coaches was intimating that you juggled the catch incomplete. Giving me a reason to be upset with you. Appreciate it.